é uma máquina boa, com certeza...vou dar uma pesquisada aqui para ver se acho alguma coisa, ainda não tinha procurado, pois esse problema ainda não tinha me incomodado...mas pode ser que haja solução mais simples. Se achar algo, posto aqui...abraços...
Editando:Bom, o ideal é que vc entenda inglês, por isso vou colocar no idioma original. Qualquer dúvida estaremos por aqui...ou então traduz pelo google...
in the preferences>preivews disable opengl by unchecking the 'use opengl acceleration' option and set accelerate preivews to use adaptive resolution. opengl is still not great in ae, it often causes problems and it isn't compatible with multiprocessing, which we'll set up next...
in preferences>multiprocessing check the box for render multiple frames simultaneously. this will set ae to launch a render engine for each available processing core that you have, which of course increases rendering power. it also allows the 32-bit cs3 application to use up to 3gb of ram per core, so you can use all the ram that you have installed, rather than just the 3gb that a 32-bit app is limited to. and, as mentioned ealier, with opengl off, it will speed up your preview renders too.
i would also enable disk cache (preferences>memory & cache). for performance reasons, if possible set the cache folder to a disk that is on a separate cntroller than your media will live on... so if your media is on an external drive, set the cache to an internal drive. the 2000mb default should be fine for sd (although it shouldn't hurt to increase it if you have the space), if you work hd you may want to increase it more.
you have enough ram that i wouldn't mess with the max memory or max ram cache settings unless you get image buffer errors... then increasing disk cache and lowering the max ram cache value can allow more space for image buffering.
that should get you started.
Kevin Camp
Senior Designer
Fonte: Creative Cow
Edição feita por: LeviataN, 26/08/2008, 17:07.