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Member Since 17/12/2006
Offline Last Active 24/03/2015, 15:18

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gravar no BD IP de quem clica nos anuncios do adsense

21/02/2015, 02:11

olá gostaria que quando alguem clicasse no anuncio do adsense, gravasse no meu BD alguns dados, como o IP de quem clicou


a questão é como fazer rodar um scritp PHP apos o anuncio ser clicado ?


depois de pesquisar muito, encontrei esse scritp na pagina do anuncio, quando o anuncio é clicado roda o ajax

<script type="text/javascript">
	// When the DOM is ready to be interacted with, hook up
	// the DOM events for Google AdSense tracking.
	jQuery(function( $ ){
	// I am a flag that will determine if the user is
	// currently mousing over a Google AdSense.
	var isOverGoogleAd = false;
	// When a user mouses over a Google AdSense iFrame, we
	// want to track that activity. This way, when the
	// current window blurs, we can guesstimate as to
	// whether or not the window-blur was due to the user
	// clicking the Google ad.
	$( "iframe[ id *= adframe ]" )
			isOverGoogleAd = true;
			isOverGoogleAd = false;
	// Now that we are tracking the mouse movements over
	// the Google AdSense, let's track the window's blur
	// event to see if we can guesstimate the AdSesnse
	// usage.
	$( window ).blur(
			// Check to see if the user was over a Google
			// AdSense ad when the window was blurred.
			if (isOverGoogleAd){
				// Because the user was mousing over a
				// Google AdSense iFrame when the window
				// was blurred, it is reasonable to
				// estimate that the blurring is due to
				// the user clicking one of the ads.
					type: "post",
					url: "click_process.php",
					data: {
						adUrl: window.location.href

	// Focus the window by default.

porem não é oq esta acontecendo, o arquivo click_process.php não esta sendo executado..

alguem pode me ajudar ?

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