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Paulo Freitas

Member Since 12/09/2004
Offline Last Active 18/09/2010, 05:41

#849510 ~ E ^ Com Problemas

Posted by Paulo Freitas on 19/05/2007, 13:23

Tu utiliza a barra de idiomas na barra de ferramentas? Saiba que a combinação das teclas Alt (da esquerda) + Shift alternam entre os idiomas disponíveis. Vira e meche eu sempre pressiono esta combinação sem querer e só vou notar quando os acentos param de funcionar. Aí é só apertar a combinação novamente que tudo volta ao normal. Cheque isto primeiro, o problema pode ser mais simples do que imagina. ;-)

[]’s :DAté mais

#843237 Strtoupper

Posted by Paulo Freitas on 21/04/2007, 12:21

Nunca tive esse problema... comigo a função strtoupper sempre funcionou com todas as letras...


O código acima irá exibir "ÁGUA" na tela.

Trata-se de um caso de configuração particular. A função strtoupper() é sensível a localidade. Por padrão ela NÃO converte os acentos, pois utiliza o padrão local C. A documentação português-brasileira do manual encontra-se bem desatualizada; explicações como esta tu só encontrará nos espelhos atualizados (sendo o americano o mais atualizado de todos, uma vez que é o idioma padrão). Este problema pode ser contornado pela função setlocale() devidamente configurada. Maiores informações sobre a mesma podem ser pesquisadas no próprio fórum, pois já fora discutida noutras vezes. ;)

[]’s :DAté mais

#676157 Inserir Vírgulas Dos Centavos

Posted by Paulo Freitas on 19/12/2005, 20:16

Use a função number_format() para formatar os dados recebidos do banco. ;)


$int = 1990;

print number_format($int / 100, 2, ',', '.');

PS: Dividi por 100, pois neste caso é preciso. Não precisaria fazer isto case o campo do BD fosse FLOAT. (y)

[]’s :DAté mais

#669787 Quais Extensões / Temas Para Firefox Que Você Usa?

Posted by Paulo Freitas on 08/12/2005, 17:08

Dentre inutilidades e preciosidades, possuo estas extensões:

Gerado em: Tue Mar 21 2006 07:58:06 GMT-0300 (Hora oficial do Brasil)
Agente do usuário: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; pt-BR; rv: Gecko/20060111 Firefox/
Build ID: 2006011112

Extensões ativadas: [94]
- About site 0.3 - Quick access to site metadata - traffic, related and linked pages, and more.
- Adblock Filterset.G Updater - Sincronizare Adblock com o Filterset.G
- Allow Right-Click 0.3 - Defeats web sites' right-click prevention scripts.
- Auto Copy 0.6.2 - Copia o texto selecionado para a área de transferência automaticamente. Como no Linux ou mIRC.
- Backgroundimage Saver 0.1 - Save or View Backgroundimages (even if they are protected by hiding behind transparent Gifs).
- Bookmark Backup 0.3.3 - Creates a backup of bookmarks.html each time the browser is closed.
- Bookmarks LinkChecker - This extension checks links.
- BugMeNot 1.3 - Bypass compulsory web registration with the context menu via www.bugmenot.com.
- CacheIt! 0.9.6 - Displays an archived version of the webpage you are veiwing or link you are hovering.
- Calculator 1.1.0 - A calculator with advanced features. Installed in the tools menu.
- ChatZilla 0.9.72 - A clean, easy to use and highly extensible Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client.
- Checky 2.5 - Easy to use interface to many free and commercial online validation and analysis services. Validate and analyse HTML, XHTML, CSS, RDF, RSS, XML, WAI, Section 508, P3P, hyperlinks, metadata and many more. Adds a context and tools menu.
- ChromEdit - A Simple User Profile File Editor
- Closy 1.3.0 - Provides you different Close tabs functionality fx Close all blank tabs and Close all duplicate tabs
- Codetch - A code editing application.
- ColorZilla - Advanced Eyedropper, ColorPicker, Page Zoomer and other colorful goodies.
- CoLT 1.3 - Adds a Copy Link Text item to the browser's context menu.
- Context Highlight 0.2 - Lets you highlight words on the page via the context menu.
- Copy Plain Text 0.3.2 - Copies text without formatting
- CustomizeGoogle 0.44 - Enhance Google search results and remove ads and spam.
- CuteMenus - Crystal SVG - Adds icons to all menu items.
- Disable Targets For Downloads 1.0.1 - Prevents download links opening a blank window.
- DOM Inspector - Inspect the DOM of HTML, XUL, and XML pages, including the browser chrome.
- DownThemAll! - The mass downloader for Firefox.
- Extension Developer - A suite of tools for extension developers
- Fasterfox 1.0.3 - Performance and network tweaks for Firefox.
- FirefoxView 0.31.2 - View pages and links loaded into IE in Firefox
- FireFTP - FTP Client for Mozilla Firefox.
- FlatStyle - This gives you a style similar to MS Office XP in your menus and toolbars. It also changes the category-selector in the options window to use your system colors, instead of always being blue. And it gives you the extra options to remove the dropdowns from the back and forward buttons, and remove the separators between menus.
- Forecastfox - Obtém previsões do tempo internacionais e as exibe em qualquer barra de ferramentas ou na barra de status.
- Form History Manager 0.5.6 - Manager for form history entries.
- FormFox 1.5 - Pops up form action when submit button is about to be clicked.
- FxIF 0.2.2 - View EXIF data in image properties
- GeoURL 0.4 - Opens useful sites for pages geographically marked with ICBM or geo.position META tags.
- Gmail Manager - Gerencia contas do Gmail e notifica novas mensagens.
- Gmail Notifier - A notifier for Gmail accounts.
- Gmail Skins 0.9.3 - Skins and other extra features for Gmail.
- Gmail Space 0.2 - Use your gmail account space for file storage. Enables to upload/download folders.
- Google Safe Browsing 1.1 - Warns you about fraudulent web pages.
- Google Toolbar for Firefox 1.0.20051122 - Obtenha o melhor do Google em qualquer lugar na web!
- GooglePreview 1.3 - Inserts web site previews in google and yahoo search results.
- Greasemonkey 0.6.4 - A User Script Manager for Firefox
- gTranslate 0.2.7 - Translates the selected text via Google Translate.
- Hello World (Firefox 1.5 edition) 1.0 - Classic first extension from MozillaZine KB
- History Menu 0.44 - Adds submenus to Go Menu for previous days' history
- Html Validator 0.7.9 - Adds HTML validation to the View Page Source of the browser. The validation is done by Tidy from W3c.
- IE Tab 1.0.8 - Permite que você use o mecanismo de exibição do Internet Explorer dentro do Mozilla/Firefox.
- IE View 1.2.7 - Para abrir páginas ou links no Internet Explorer pelos menus do Firefox
- Image Toolbar 0.6.3 - Provides easy access to common image functions.
- ImageShack right-click 0.2.1 - Upload to ImageShack via right-click menu.
- Inline Autocomplete 0.0.8 - Enables the IE-like Inline Autocomplete in the URL bar
- Inline Google Definitions 0.4 - Shows Google Definitions for the selected word (in the same tab!)
- Leet Key 1.3.1 - Transforms typed or static text to L337, ROT13, BASE64, HEX, URL, BIN, Morse Code, DVORAK, Upper Case, Lower Case, DES.
- LinkChecker 0.4.5 - Check the validity of links on any webpage.
- LoremIpsum Content Generator 0.4.2 - Uses latin words to create filler content.
- MDHashTool 0.4 - Message Digest (MD5, SHA-1, etc.) tool
- MeasureIt 0.3.5 - Draw out a ruler to get the pixel width and height of any elements on a webpage.
- MR Tech Local Install 4.3.2 - Ferramentas poderosas de gerenciamento de extensões.
- My Portal 1.0.4 - A live web page of your bookmark hierarchy.
- Organize Status Bar 0.3 - Organize your status bar icons.
- PageStyle2Tab - Set the current page style to the tab
- PageZoom 0.3.0 - Adds page zoom functionality.
- Popup Count 0.3.2 - Counts the number of blocked popups.
- Preferential 0.8.1 - Advanced preferences manager for Mozilla-based products
- Print Hint 0.2 - Indicates if the web page being viewed is printable, or if there is a linked print version. (Please note: print versions of pages are not detected on some websites).
- ProCon 1.2 - Filter web pages containing explicit content automatically based on text on websites.
- ProxyButton 0.2.4 - ProxyButton creates a toolbar button to quickly turn proxy on and off.
- QuickJava 0.4.1 - Allows quick enable and disable of Java and Javascript from statusbar.
- Regular Expressions Tester - Testing Tool for regular expressions with color highlighting
- ReloadEvery 1.5.1 - Reloads webpages every so many seconds or minutes
- ReminderFox 0.9.4 - Displays and manages reminders and ToDo's
- Sage 1.3.6 - A lightweight RSS and Atom feed aggregator.
- ScrapBook 0.22.12 - Ajuda você a salvar páginas da Web e organizar sua coleção.
- Screen grab! 0.7 - Takes a screen shot using Java.
- Search Synchronizer - Synchronizes searchbox with search engine
- SearchPluginHacks 0.1.3 - Allows uninstalling search plugins - just right click on a search plugin and choose 'Delete'
- SecurePassword Generator 0.5.3 - Creates a toolbar icon and dialog which helps to create secure passwords.
- SessionSaver .2 - Magically restores your last browsing session.
- SmoothWheel - Scrolls the document smoothly when scrolling the mouse wheel
- Sun Cult 1.0.20060310 - Worldwide Sunrise, Sunset, Twilight, Moonrise and Moonset Times
- Tab Sidebar 1.0.1 - Displays previews of your tabs in your sidebar.
- Tabbrowser Preferences - Enhances control over some aspects of tabbed browsing.
- Table2Clipboard 0.0.2 - Permite copiar para a área de transferência as linhas/colunas selecionadas de uma tabela HTML
- Talkback - Submit a crash report to Mozilla.org.
- Tamper Data 0.95 - View and modify HTTP/HTTPS headers etc.  Track and time requests.
- Text size toolbar 0.4.1 - Adds text size buttons to the toolbar.
- TickerFox 0.2.6 - Watch as others catch the fire with this live Firefox download counter.
- TinyUrl Creator 1.0.1 - Convenient tool to create small url redirects from longer ones.
- User Agent Switcher 0.6.8 - Adds a menu and a toolbar button to switch the user agent of the browser.
- View Cookies 1.5 - View cookies of the current web page.
- View formatted source - View formatted and rendered source code
- ViewSourceWith - Exiba o código-fonte da página com um aplicativo externo.
- Web Developer 1.0.2 - Adds a menu and a toolbar with various web developer tools.
- Word Count 0.3 - Counts the number of words in selected text.

Extensões desativadas: [7]
- Adblock - Filters ads from web-pages
- All-In-One Sidebar 0.6.4 - Quickly switch between sidebars, view dialog windows such as downloads, extensions and more in the sidebar. It includes a slide-out button and a toolbar, all of which can be extensively customized.
- FreeTranslation 0.0.1 - localized description, see locale/.properties
- NoScript - Extra protection for your Firefox: NoScript allows JavaScript, Java (and other plugins) only for trusted domains of your choice (e.g. your home-banking web site). This whitelist based pre-emptive blocking approach  prevents exploitation of security vulnerabilities (known and even unknown!) with no loss of functionality... Experts will agree: Firefox is really safer with NoScript :-)
- Titlebar Tweaks 1.7.0 - Tweak your browser's titlebar text.
- Web Color Names 1.0.14 - Web color names browser/selector
- Wikipedia - Adds Wikipedia formatting to the context menu of text fields.

Total de extensões: 101

Temas instalados: [1]
- Firefox (default)

Plugins instalados: (11)
- Adobe Acrobat
- Adobe Acrobat Plug-In Version 7.00 for Netscape
- Adobe ESD Manager Plugin
- <a href='http://www.adobe.com'>Adobe</a>  ESD Version Manager 2.0
- Java™ 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0 Update 4
- Java Plug-in 1.5.0_04 for Netscape Navigator (DLL Helper)
- Microsoft Office 2003
- Office Plugin for Netscape Navigator
- Microsoft® DRM
- DRM Netscape Network Object
- Mozilla Default Plug-in
- Default Plug-in
- PCMan's IE Tab Plug-in for Mozilla/Firefox
- IE Tab Plug-in developed by Hong Jen Yee
- RealPlayer Version Plugin
- RealPlayer™ G2 LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In (32-bit)
- RealPlayer™ LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In
- Shockwave Flash
- Shockwave Flash 8.0  r22
- Windows Media Player Plug-in Dynamic Link Library
- Npdsplay dll

Gerado em: Tue Mar 21 2006 08:01:42 GMT-0300 (Hora oficial do Brasil)
Agente do usuário: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; pt-BR; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051201 Thunderbird/1.5
Build ID: 2005120115

Extensões ativadas: [4]
- CuteMenus - Crystal SVG
- MR Tech Local Install 4.3.2
- Sun Cult 1.0.20060310
- Talkback 1.5

Extensões desativadas: [1]
- Thunderbird (default) 2.0

Total de extensões: 5

Temas instalados: [1]
- null

[]’s :DAté mais

#459372 Assistente Do Office

Posted by Paulo Freitas on 08/10/2004, 16:02

Olá pessoal! ;)

Trouxe um código pra vcs...

É pra vc colocar aqueles assistentes do Office em seu site...

Só não sei se funciona em qualquer computador ou se precisa ter o Office instalado... se alguém souber poste aqui!

<OBJECT id=wolfi classid=CLSID:D45FD31B-5C6E-11D1-9EC1-00C04FD7081F></OBJECT>
<script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript> 
function LoadLocalAgent(CharID, CharACS) {
LoadReq=wolfi.Characters.Load(CharID, CharACS);
var MerlinID; 
var MerlinACS; 
wolfi.Connected = true; 
MerlinLoaded = LoadLocalAgent(MerlinID, MerlinACS); 
Merlin = wolfi.Characters.Character(MerlinID); 
Merlin.Play ("Acknowledge");
Merlin.Play ("Announce");
Merlin.speak("Olá pessoal da WMOnline!");
Merlin.Play("Blink"); Merlin.Play("Confused"); 
Merlin.MoveTo (650,400);
Merlin.speak("O fórum é demais!"); 
Merlin.speak("Qualquer dúvida a resposta tá aqui..."); 
Merlin.MoveTo (650,250);
Merlin.Play ("StartListening"); Merlin.speak("O que? Gostou desse efeito? Quer colocar em seu site? Perai...");
Merlin.Play ("Write"); Merlin.speak("Pode usar, é livre! Isso foi feito em JavaScript!");
Merlin.MoveTo (70,400);
Merlin.speak("Qualquer dúvida...");
Merlin.MoveTo (70,400);
Merlin.speak("Poste aqui no fórum... tem sempre alguém pra lhe ajudar...");
Merlin.speak("Lembre-se que o fórum da WMOnline é o melhor lugar para você tirar sua dúvidas!");
Merlin.speak("Bem, agora eu já vou... Tchau!!");
Merlin.Play ("Wave");
Merlin.play ("Greet");

T+ :DAté Mais :)

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