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Banner auto close? Ajudem

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#1 lehmartins


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Posted 25/02/2015, 16:41

Olá boa tarde pessoal, estou fazendo um site empresarial, porém não sou formado em web, e não tenho um conhecimento mestre igual ao de vocês, porém estou indo pouco a pouco. (PS: O site é pra minha empresa).


Pois bem, adicionei uma função com um código pronto, que cria uma janela de banner/propaganda na página consegui incorporá-la sem maiores problemas, mas ai é que está. Eu gostaria que ela fechasse sozinha com determinado tempo, ao invés de precisar clicar lá no "X".


o código é:


no body...

<body onload="MM_timelinePlay('Timeline1')">
<div id="apDiv1" style="left: 10px; top: 15px;"><img src="images/banner.png" width="476" height="355" border="0" usemap="#Map" longdesc="images/banner2.png" />
<map name="Map" id="Map">
  <area shape="rect" coords="437,1,475,35" href="#" onclick="MM_showHideLayers('apDiv1','','hide')" />
<area shape="rect" coords="397,296,699,516" href="http://www.sdlins.com.br/" target="_eu" alt="Solução Digital - Lins"  />

no head...

function MM_showHideLayers() { //v9.0
  var i,p,v,obj,args=MM_showHideLayers.arguments;
  for (i=0; i<(args.length-2); i+=3) 
  with (document) if (getElementById && ((obj=getElementById(args[i]))!=null)) { v=args[i+2];
    if (obj.style) { obj=obj.style; v=(v=='show')?'visible':(v=='hide')?'hidden':v; }
    obj.visibility=v; }

function MM_timelinePlay(tmLnName, myID) { //v1.2
  //Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
  var i,j,tmLn,props,keyFrm,sprite,numKeyFr,firstKeyFr,propNum,theObj,firstTime=false;
  if (document.MM_Time == null) MM_initTimelines(); //if *very* 1st time
  tmLn = document.MM_Time[tmLnName];
  if (myID == null) { myID = ++tmLn.ID; firstTime=true;}//if new call, incr ID
  if (myID == tmLn.ID) { //if Im newest
    fNew = ++tmLn.curFrame;
    for (i=0; i<tmLn.length; i++) {
      sprite = tmLn[i];
      if (sprite.charAt(0) == 's') {
        if (sprite.obj) {
          numKeyFr = sprite.keyFrames.length; firstKeyFr = sprite.keyFrames[0];
          if (fNew >= firstKeyFr && fNew <= sprite.keyFrames[numKeyFr-1]) {//in range
            for (j=0; j<sprite.values.length; j++) {
              props = sprite.values[j]; 
              if (numKeyFr != props.length) {
                if (props.prop2 == null) sprite.obj[props.prop] = props[fNew-firstKeyFr];
                else        sprite.obj[props.prop2][props.prop] = props[fNew-firstKeyFr];
              } else {
                while (keyFrm<numKeyFr && fNew>=sprite.keyFrames[keyFrm]) keyFrm++;
                if (firstTime || fNew==sprite.keyFrames[keyFrm-1]) {
                  if (props.prop2 == null) sprite.obj[props.prop] = props[keyFrm-1];
                  else        sprite.obj[props.prop2][props.prop] = props[keyFrm-1];
        } } } } }
      } else if (sprite.charAt(0)=='b' && fNew == sprite.frame) eval(sprite.value);
      if (fNew > tmLn.lastFrame) tmLn.ID = 0;
  } }

function MM_initTimelines() { //v4.0
    //MM_initTimelines() Copyright 1997 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
    var ns = navigator.appName == "Netscape";
    var ns4 = (ns && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 4);
    var ns5 = (ns && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) > 4);
    var macIE5 = (navigator.platform ? (navigator.platform == "MacPPC") : false) && (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4);
    document.MM_Time = new Array(1);
    document.MM_Time[0] = new Array(1);
    document.MM_Time["Timeline1"] = document.MM_Time[0];
    document.MM_Time[0].MM_Name = "Timeline1";
    document.MM_Time[0].fps = 15;
    document.MM_Time[0][0] = new String("sprite");
    document.MM_Time[0][0].slot = 1;
    if (ns4)
        document.MM_Time[0][0].obj = document["apDiv1"];
    else if (ns5)
        document.MM_Time[0][0].obj = document.getElementById("apDiv1");
        document.MM_Time[0][0].obj = document.all ? document.all["apDiv1"] : null;
    document.MM_Time[0][0].keyFrames = new Array(1, 5, 12, 18, 26, 30);
    document.MM_Time[0][0].values = new Array(2);
    if (ns5 || macIE5)
        document.MM_Time[0][0].values[0] = new Array("10px", "13px", "16px", "19px", "25px", "30px", "36px", "42px", "49px", "56px", "62px", "68px", "72px", "75px", "77px", "78px", "81px", "86px", "92px", "98px", "104px", "111px", "118px", "124px", "130px", "135px", "139px", "138px", "136px", "135px");
        document.MM_Time[0][0].values[0] = new Array(10,13,16,19,25,30,36,42,49,56,62,68,72,75,77,78,81,86,92,98,104,111,118,124,130,135,139,138,136,135);
    document.MM_Time[0][0].values[0].prop = "left";
    if (ns5 || macIE5)
        document.MM_Time[0][0].values[1] = new Array("15px", "18px", "22px", "25px", "27px", "27px", "27px", "27px", "26px", "26px", "26px", "28px", "32px", "36px", "41px", "46px", "51px", "55px", "56px", "57px", "56px", "56px", "55px", "55px", "55px", "56px", "63px", "69px", "75px", "81px");
        document.MM_Time[0][0].values[1] = new Array(15,18,22,25,27,27,27,27,26,26,26,28,32,36,41,46,51,55,56,57,56,56,55,55,55,56,63,69,75,81);
    document.MM_Time[0][0].values[1].prop = "top";
    if (!ns4) {
        document.MM_Time[0][0].values[0].prop2 = "style";
        document.MM_Time[0][0].values[1].prop2 = "style";
    document.MM_Time[0].lastFrame = 30;
    for (i=0; i<document.MM_Time.length; i++) {
        document.MM_Time[i].ID = null;
        document.MM_Time[i].curFrame = 0;
        document.MM_Time[i].delay = 1000/document.MM_Time[i].fps;

e eu adaptei uma folha de estilo para o tag/div ou sei lá o nome que se da...

body { background-image: url(galeria/background.png); }
#apDiv1 {
	left: 135px;
	top: 81px;


Apreciaria se alguém pudesse me dar um HELP. Atenciosamente (Leandro Martins)

#2 Danilomaru



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Posted 27/02/2015, 06:23

da uma olhada nesse tutorial :
talvez ajude

#3 RonsisM


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#4 JeffMalm


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Posted 19/12/2022, 19:58

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