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Member Since 08/11/2003
Offline Last Active 15/05/2006, 02:00

Topics I've Started

Php Cria Topico Na Tabela E Enviar Mensagem

04/09/2005, 09:01

To tentando fazer um cadastro... que quando cadastra a pessoa envia automaticamente um email de confirmacao para pessoa...

mail("hienalouca@hotmail.com","$assunto","<b>$mensagem</b>","From: $nome<$email>\nContent-type: text/html\n");
echo "E-mail enviado...";

foreach ($_POST as $campo => $valor) { $$campo = $valor;}

if($nulo == ""){
echo"<font face=verdana size=1>Você não preencheu todos os campos obrigatórios, <a href=\"java script:history.go(-1)\">Volte</a> e corrija.</font>";
else {
$insere = mysql_query("INSERT into amigao (login, senha, nome, datanascimento, mora, site, url, barra, letra, email) VALUES ('$usuario', '$senha', '$nome', '$dia/$mes/$ano', '$cidade/$estado', '$site', '$url', '$barra', '$letra', '$email')") or print(mysql_error());


03/09/2005, 20:08

no script de cartao virtual deu esse defeito

"Warning: exec() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/hienalou/public_html/cartao/source/functions.php on line 385"

oque pode ser


$stimer = explode( ' ', microtime() );
$stimer = $stimer[1] + $stimer[0];

function starttime()
    $mtime = microtime();
    $mtime = explode(" ",$mtime);
    $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
    $starttime = $mtime;

    return $starttime;

// Returns the time that execution ended
function endtime($starttime)
    $mtime = microtime();
    $mtime = explode(" ",$mtime);
    $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
    $endtime = $mtime;
    $totaltime = ($endtime - $starttime);

    $totaltime = round($totaltime, 3);

    return $totaltime;

$starttime = starttime();

function check_ip($ip_addy)
global $conf, $lang;
// Strangely enough, when the function returns true, the IP is banned

	if($ip_addy == "")
  return false;

	$fp = explode(",", $conf['ip_ban']);
	foreach ($fp as $check)
  if ($ip_addy == $check)
 	 return true;
	return false;

function check_email($email_addy)
global $conf, $lang;

	$fp = explode(",", $conf['email_ban']);

	foreach ($fp as $check)
  if (strtolower($email_addy) == strtolower($check))
 	 return false;
 	 return true;

function check_email_format($email_addy)
	if(!preg_match("/^.+\@(\[?)[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,4})(\]?)$/", $email_addy))
  return false;
  return true;

function show_login($message)
global $conf, $lang;

	$html = "<span class=\"main_header\">" . $lang['please_login'] . "</span><br /><br />";
	if ($message!="")
  $html .= "" . $message . "<br /><br />";
	$html .= "<form action=\"" . $conf['admin_script'] . "?act=misc&what=login\" target=\"_top\" method=\"post\">\n";
	$html .= $lang['username'] . ":<br /><input type=\"text\" name=\"user\" size=\"100%\" /><br><br />\n";
	$html .= $lang['password'] . ":<br /><input type=\"password\" name=\"password\" size=\"100%\" /><br /><br />\n";
	$html .= "Select a language:<br /><select name=\"temp_ad_lang\">\n";
	$html .= "<option value=\"def\" selected=\"selected\">" . $lang['default_lang'] . "</option>\n";

	$dp = opendir($conf['dir'] . "./lang");
  return error($lang['no_open_lang_dir'], $lang['check_dir_exists'] . "|" . $lang['check_dir_perms']);
	while($file = readdir($dp))
  if($file!="." && $file!=".." && is_dir($conf['dir'] . "lang/" . $file))
 	 $html .= "<option value=\"" . $file . "\">" . $file . "</option>";

	$html .= "</select><br /><br />";
	$html .= "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . $lang['login'] . "\" />";
	return $html;

function error($problems, $solutions=0)
global $lang;

	$html = "<span class=\"title\">" . $lang['error'] . "</span><br /><br />";
	$html .= $lang['error_must_resolve'] . ":\n";
	$html .= "<ul>\n<li>" . $problems . "</li>\n</ul>\n";
	if ($solutions!="0")
  $html .= $lang['error_solutions'] . ":\n<ul>\n";
  $solutions = explode("|", $solutions);
  foreach($solutions as $val)
 	 $html .= "<li>" . $val . "</li>\n";
  $html .= "</ul>\n";

function parse_basic_admin_template($template)
// Parses the admin template and put all our variable in
global $conf, $HTTP_GET_VARS, $lang;
	if(!$fp = @fopen("$template", "r"))
                return error($lang['no_open_template'] . ": " . $template . "", $lang['check_file_exists'] . "|" . $lang['check_file_perms']);
  $data = @fread($fp, filesize($template));
  $form_output = preg_replace("/{{admin_script}}/i", $conf['admin_script'], $data);
  $form_output = preg_replace("/{{sess}}/i", $HTTP_GET_VARS['s'], $form_output);

	return $form_output;

function getExt($filename)
	$file_pieces = explode(".", $filename);
	return ($file_pieces[count($file_pieces) - 1]);

//Note that the following function must be passed an extension without a "." to function properly
function getMacro($ext, $return="macro")
global $DB, $conf, $lang;

	if (!$query = mysql_query("SELECT id, name, extensions, macro FROM " . $conf['dbprefix'] . "macro"))
  return error($DB->error(), $lang['check_db_settings'] . "|" . $lang['check_db_on']);
	while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))
  $extensions = explode(",", $row['extensions']);
  foreach($extensions as $ex)
 	 if(strtolower($ex) == strtolower($ext))
   	 case "id":
   	 return $row['id'];

   	 case "name":
   	 return $row['name'];

   	 case "macro":
   	 return $row['macro'];
	return false;

function verify_files()
global $error_array, $HTTP_GET_VARS, $conf, $lang;
$error_array = array();

	$required_dirs = array("./drivers", "./images", "./templates", "./source");
	foreach ($required_dirs as $dir)
 	 $error_array[] = $lang['no_find_dir'] ." \"" . $dir . "\".";
	$required_files = array("./admin.php", "./config.php", "./pickup.php");
	foreach ($required_files as $file)
 	 $error_array[] = $lang['no_find_file'] . " \"" . $file . "\"";
	$required_templates = array("main_form.html", "preview_card.html", "render_card.html", "render_recips.html", "select_img.html");
	foreach ($required_templates as $templ)
  if(!file_exists("./templates/" . $templ))
 	 $error_array[] = $lang['no_find_templ'] . "\"templates/" . $templ . "\"";
  $error_array[] = "\"config.php\"" . $lang['no_writeable'];
	$writeable_dirs = array("./images", "./images/thumbs");
	foreach ($writeable_dirs as $dir)
 	 $error_array[] = "<b>\"" . $dir . "\"</b> " . $lang['no_writeable'];
  $error_array[] = $lang['installer_no_locked'] . " <a href=\"" . $conf['admin_script'] . "?act=toolbox&amp;what=lock_installer&s=" . $HTTP_GET_VARS['s'] . "\">" . $lang['click_here'] . "</a>"  . $lang['attempt_lock'];
  $error_array[] = $lang['config_corrupt'];
	return $error_array;

$version = "1.0 beta";
$cpy = "<p align=\"center\">Powered by WebCards v" . $version . "</p>";

function expire($output='none')
global $DB, $conf, $lang;

	if($conf['expiry_time'] == "" || $conf['expiry_time'] == "0" || !isset($conf['expiry_time']) || $conf['expiry_units'] == "" || $conf['expiry_units'] == "0" || !isset($conf['expiry_units']))
  if($output == "text")
 	 return $lang['cards_not_exp_no_val'];
 	 return false;

	$time = time();

	$die = $conf['expiry_time'] * $conf['expiry_units'];

	if (!$DB->query("DELETE FROM " . $conf['dbprefix'] . "sent_cards WHERE date + $die < $time"))
  error($DB->error(), $lang['check_db_settings'] . "|" . $lang['check_db_on']);

	if($output == "text")
  return "" . $DB->affected() . $lang['cards_exp'];

function send_mail($what, $who, $sender_name=0, $code=0)
global $conf, $lang, $version;

	require $conf['base_dir'] . "lang/" . $conf['default_pub_lang'] . "/email.php";

	if($conf['use_mail_smtp'] == "smtp")
  $smtp_host = $conf['smtp_host'] == "" ? "localhost" : $conf['smtp_host'];
  $smtp_port = $conf['smtp_port'] == "" ? "25" : $conf['smtp_port'];
  require $conf['dir'] . "source/modules/smtp.php";
  //echo "sending info: $smtp = new smtp_client(" . $smtp_host . ", " . $smtp_port . ");";
  $smtp = new smtp_client($smtp_host, $smtp_port);

	$sender_name = isset($sender_name) ? $sender_name : $conf['email_from'];

	foreach($who as $recip)
  if($recip != "")
 	 switch ($what)
    case 'send_card':
    $subject = $lang['email_subject_recip'];
    $body = $lang['email_body_recip'];
    $body = preg_replace("/{{recip}}/i", $recip, $body);
    $body = preg_replace("/{{email}}/i", $conf['email_from'], $body);
    $body = preg_replace("/{{sender}}/i", $sender_name, $body);
    $body = preg_replace("/{{url}}/i", $conf['url'], $body);
    $body = preg_replace("/{{card_id}}/i", $code, $body);

    case 'send_notification':
    $subject = $lang['email_subject_notification'];
    $body = $lang['email_body_notification'];
    $body = preg_replace("/{{sender}}/i", $recip, $body);

    case 'resend_validation':
    $subject = $lang['email_subject_resend'];
    $body = $lang['email_body_resend'];
    $body = preg_replace("/{{url}}/i", $conf['url'], $body);
    $body = preg_replace("/{{recip}}/i", $recip, $body);
    $body = preg_replace("/{{card_id}}/i", $code, $body);

    die("Invalid mail function call - mail not sent");

 	 $body = preg_replace("/<<>>/", "\n\r", $body);
 	 $body = stripslashes($body);
 	 $body .= "\r\n\r\n" . str_repeat("-=", 20) . "\r\nPowered by WebCards v" . $version . "\r\n" . str_repeat("-=", 20) . "";

 	 $headers = "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\r\n";
 	 $headers .= "From: " . $sender_name . "\r\n";
 	 $headers .= "Reply-to: " . $conf['email_from'] . "\r\n";
 	 $headers .= "X-Mailer: WebCards/" . $version . "\r\n";
 	 $headers .= "X-PHP-Version: PHP/" . phpversion();

 	 if($conf['use_mail_smtp'] == "smtp")
    $smtp->email($sender_name, $recip, $recip, $headers, $subject, $body);
    //echo "sending :: $smtp->email(" . $sender_name . ", " . $recip . ", " . $recip . ", " . $headers . ", " . $subject . ", " . $body . ");<br /><br />";
    @mail($recip, $subject, $body, $headers);
    //echo "@mail(" . $recip . ", " . $subject . ", " . $body . ", " . $headers . ");<br /><br />";
	if($conf['use_mail_smtp'] == "smtp")
	return true;

function getServerLoad()
	if(get_cfg_var('safe_mode') || stristr(PHP_OS, 'WIN'))
  return 0;
  $file = @fopen('/proc/loadavg', 'r');
 	 return 0;
  $load = fread($file, 6);
  $loadavg = explode(' ', $load);
  $load = exec('uptime');
  $load = split('load averages?: ', $load);
  $loadavg = explode(',', $load[1]);
	return trim($loadavg[0]);

function copy_dir($oldname, $newname)
global $lang;

  return error($lang['dir_exists'], $lang['back_choose_new_name']);

  $perms = fileperms($oldname);
  if(!copy($oldname, $newname))
 	 return error($lang['cannot_copy_file'] . $old_name, $lang['check_dir_perms']);
  if(!chmod($newname, $perms))
 	 return error($lang['cannot_chmod'] . $new_name);
       my_dir_copy($oldname, $newname);
 	 return error($lang['cannot_copy_dir'] . $old_name, $lang['check_dir_perms']);
function my_dir_copy($oldname, $newname) 
global $lang;

	$dir = opendir($oldname);
	while($file = readdir($dir))
  if($file == "." || $file == "..")
  copy_dir("$oldname/$file", "$newname/$file");

function delete_file($file) {
global $lang;

	if (is_dir($file))
  $handle = opendir($file); 
  while($filename = readdir($handle))
 	 if ($filename != "." && $filename != "..")

function get_stats($area)
global $DB, $conf, $time, $version, $HTTP_POST_VARS, $HTTP_GET_VARS, $lang, $stimer;

	if ($conf['render_time'] == $area || $conf['render_time'] == "b")
  $etimer = explode( ' ', microtime() );
  $etimer = $etimer[1] + $etimer[0];

  $debug_stats .= "[ " . $lang['ex_time'] . ": " . sprintf("%0.4f", ($etimer-$stimer)) . " ]&nbsp;&nbsp;";
	if ($conf['query_count'] == $area || $conf['query_count'] == "b")
  $debug_stats .= "[ " . $lang['query_count'] . ": " . $DB->finished() . " ]&nbsp;&nbsp;";
	if(getServerLoad() > 0)
  if ($conf['server_load'] == $area || $conf['server_load'] == "b")
 	 $debug_stats .= "[ " . $lang['s_load'] . ": " . getServerLoad() . " ]&nbsp;&nbsp;";
	if($conf['buffer'] == "y")
  $debug_stats .= "[ " . $lang['gzip'] . $lang['enabled'] . " ]&nbsp;&nbsp;";
  $debug_stats .= "[  " . $lang['gzip'] . $lang['disabled'] . " ]&nbsp;&nbsp;";
	$output = "<table class=\"stats\" width=\"100%\">
	<td class=\"stats\" align=\"center\">" . $debug_stats . "</td>

	if ($conf['sql_show'] == $area || $conf['sql_show'] == "b")
  $DB->query_array = sql_highlight($DB->query_array);
  if(count($DB->query_array) > 0)
 	 $sql_stats = "<br />" . $lang['queries_used'] . ":<br />";
 	 foreach($DB->query_array as $queries)
    $sql_stats .=  "" . $queries . "<br />";
	return $output . $sql_stats;

function sql_highlight($sql)
	$sql = preg_replace("/(\+| &lt; |\-|=|'|==|\!=|LIKE|NOT LIKE)/i", "<span style=\"color:red;\">\\1</span>", $sql);
	$sql = preg_replace("/(SELECT|INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE|ALTER TABLE|DROP)/i", "<span style=\"color:red; font-weight:bold;\">\\1</span>", $sql);
	$sql = preg_replace("/(FROM|INTO)\s{1,}(\S+?)$/i", "<span style=\"color:blue; font-weight:bold;\">\\1</span> <span style=\"color:orange;\">\\2</span>", $sql);
	$sql = preg_replace("/(FROM|INTO)\s{1,}(\S+?)\s{1,}/is", "<span style=\"color:blue; font-weight:bold;\">\\1</span> <span style=\"color:orange;\">\\2</span> ", $sql);
	$sql = preg_replace("/(\S+?)\s{1,}(SET)/i", "<span style=\"color:orange;\">\\1</span> <span style=\"color:blue; font-weight:bold;\">SET</span>", $sql);
	$sql = preg_replace("/(WHERE|MODIFY|CHANGE|\s{1,}AS\s{1,}|DISTINCT|\s{1,}IN\s{1,}|ORDER BY|VALUES)/i" , "<span style=\"color:green; font-weight:bold;\">\\1</span> ", $sql);
	$sql = preg_replace("/(\s{1,}ASC|\s{1,}DESC($|\s{1,}))/i", "<span style=\"color:purple;\">\\1</span> ", $sql);
	$sql = preg_replace("/count\((\S+?)\)/i", "<span style=\"color:purple;\">count(</span>\\1<span style=\"color:purple;\">)</span>", $sql);
	$sql = preg_replace("/LIMIT\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)/i", "<span style=\"color:green\">LIMIT</span> <span style=\"color:purple\">\\1, \\2</span>", $sql);
	return $sql;

function clean_field($field)

	$to_find = array ("/<script[^>]*?>.*?<\/script>/si",
	$to_replace = array ("",

	return stripslashes(preg_replace($to_find, $to_replace, $field));

function parse_tags($data)
	$data = preg_replace("#\[b\](.+?)\[/b\]#is", "<b>\\1</b>", $data);
	$data = preg_replace("#\[i\](.+?)\[/i\]#is", "<i>\\1</i>", $data);
	$data = preg_replace("#\[u\](.+?)\[/u\]#is", "<u>\\1</u>", $data);
	$data = preg_replace("#\[s\](.+?)\[/s\]#is", "<span style=\"text-decoration:line-through;\">\\1</span>", $data);

	return $data;


Driver Camera Cyber Shot Dsc-s40b

27/08/2005, 21:51

alguem sabe onde posso baixar
Driver Camera CYBER SHOT DSC-S40B

desde ja agradeço

Andre Wagmacker

Script Que Publica Automaticamente

14/08/2005, 18:05

Oi, Alguem conhece algum codigo ou forma em que consiga publicar ALGO no site automaticamente de acordo com a data estipulado....Ou algo similar a isso...

Desde ja agradeço,

Andre Wagmacker

Disfocar Imagem Macromedia Flash

19/06/2005, 16:55

alguem sabe se no Macromedia Flash existe algum script que disfoque o imagem de segundo plano.... Como fosse um efeito de camera que infoca em uma pessa e o fundo por exemplo fica embaçado......

ALGUEM? :unsure:

IPB Skin By Virteq