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Member Since 31/05/2006
Offline Last Active 07/10/2010, 13:59

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Problema Com F Open E F Write

23/02/2010, 16:46

Obrigado Pessoal. Consegui fazer funcionar.

In Topic: Problema Com F Open E F Write

23/02/2010, 12:55

Só que deste jeito ele insere no final... eu quero inserir no inicio do arquivo...

In Topic: Digg Paginação No Cake

12/11/2009, 10:18

O Controller se chama 'noticias_controller.php' .
O Model se chama 'noticia.php' .

Acho que tá seguindo as regras do cakePHP...

Faltou o Helper...

class PaginationHelper extends HtmlHelper
	function paginate( $link, $page, $total, $show=5, $skip='…' )
			$link	string of what link is to be (utilizes $html->link helper)... page numbers will be appended to its end
			$page	int current page you're on
			$total	int total number of pages
			$show	int how many page numbers / "skips" to show between first and last numbers
			$skip	string text to be displayed for "skips"... inside <span>

		// Get out early if there's no total pages
		if ( $total < 1 ) return false;

		// Init
		if ( $show < 1 ) $show = 1;						// make sure you're showing at least 1
		$show_mid = ceil( $show / 2 );					// find the midpoint of the shown page numbers / skips
		$skip = '<span class="skip">'.$skip.'</span>';	// add spans around skip text
		$out = "\n";

		// Figure out start point for In-between numbers
		if ( $page <= $show_mid ) $start = 2;
		elseif ( $page > ($total-$show) ) $start = $total - $show;
		else $start = $page - $show_mid + 1;

		// Previous link
		$out .= ( ($page-1) > 0 )
					? $this->link( 'Prev', $link.($page-1), array('title'=>'View the previous index page', 'class'=>'prev') ) 
					: '<span class="prev">Prev</span>';
		$out .= "\n";

		// First number
		$out .= ( $page == 1 )
					? '<span class="current">1</span>'
					: $this->link( '1', $link.'1', array('title'=>'View index page 1') );
		$out .= "\n";

		// In-between numbers
		for ( $i=0; $i<( ($total<$show+2) ? $total-2 : $show ); $i++ )
			// First in-between number...
			if ( $i == 0 )
				$out .= ( $start == 2 ) 
							? ( $page == 2 )
								? '<span class="current">2</span>'
								: $this->link( '2', $link.'2', array('title'=>'View index page 2') )
							: $skip;

			// Last in-between number...
			elseif ( $i == ($show-1) )
				$out .= ( $start >= ($total-$show) ) 
							? ( $page == ($total-1) )
								? '<span class="current">'.($total-1).'</span>'
								: $this->link( ($total-1), $link.($total-1), array('title'=>'View index page '.($total-1)) )
							: $skip;

			// Else...
				$out .= ( $page == ($start+$i) )
							? '<span class="current">'.($start+$i).'</span>'
							: $this->link( ($start+$i), $link.($start+$i), array('title'=>'View index page '.($start+$i)) );

			$out .= "\n";

		// Last number
		if ( $total > 1 )
			$out .= ( $page == $total )
						? '<span class="current">'.$total.'</span>'
						: $this->link( $total, $link.$total, array('title'=>'View index page '.$total) );
			$out .= "\n";

		// Next link
		$out .= ( ($page+1) <= $total )
					? $this->link( 'Next', $link.($page+1), array('title'=>'View the next index page', 'class'=>'next') )
					: '<span class="next">Next</span>';
		$out .= "\n";

		// Return
		return $out;


IPB Skin By Virteq